Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Laughing...laughing from the grave

Who said the above quote, what context did they saying it in, and when did they say it?

Why do geeks always have these silly polls like, who would win: Daredevil or Batman? C'mon! The only person who would beat Batman is a pre-death Superman. Another poll I saw online was: "So, what's your opinion on breasts? Are they supple mounds of endless fun or something to be avoided, even feared? VOTE NOW!" I voted "feared."

Great day at the job. Basically, all but 3 of my cold calls to people ended in tears - mine.

I'm in negotiation to go to "Library School," or at least as an informational interview. You can ask for more details, but I'll just say, "I'm in negotation to apply to 'library school.'"

This is a great website. Especially this comic. I love Batman.


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