Monday, September 05, 2005

Seven Steps For A Good Night's Sleep

From Parade Magazine:

1) Keep a regular sleep/wake schedule. Particulary for waking. Irregular hours can throw off the internal biological clock. Like that's going to happen!

2) Be-light wise: Within 5 minutes of waking, expose yourself to bright light, either by going outdoor or using a light for 30 minutes. Avoid excess light before bedtime. I think I'll just stay in bed.

3) Set aside time to clear your mind. Several hours beore bedtime, list worries or chores for the next day. Also develop a relaxation ritual--meditation or soothing music--to end each day. I have my own ritual.

4) Avoid stimulants. Nicotine, coffee or colas late in the day will keep you awake at night. There goes my ritual.

5) Don't drink alcohol. Rather than helping you slep, it leads to awakenings and worsens sleep apnea. I don't drink, and I still have these problems. Maybe I should drink some cola.

6) Don't exercise or eat heavily before bed. Both rev up the body. But exercising in the late afternoon or early evening dispels tensions, making falling asleep easier. My ritual revs me up too.

7) Avoid naps. The may perk up your daytime energy, but naps undermine your nighttime rest. Bull sh--!


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