Monday, February 28, 2005

Okay, who sent this to me?

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 6:33 PM
Subject: Heyllooo, your secret admire

I don't usually do this but, how would you like to keep me some company? My Husband is working all day and I need a man in these hard times of life

Thursday, February 24, 2005

God bless you, Macgyver.

Just saw a new addition to the "Best TV Show Ever:"


This dude...this dude made a frickin' telescope out of the sports pages (With the witty line: "Calgary loses again?!"), a magnifying glass serendipitously attached to a MagLite, and the clear cover of his watch. ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

Some people have Miami Vice, others A-Team or Airwolf. Me, I now have MacGyver as the best 80's TV show starring a lead character, impossibly young looking despite his age and burned by the bad memory of Vietnam. Ah...what was it about the 80's that made it so great? The economy was tanking. The cold war was escalating (and then deflating), Asian people were becoming the new black people (only to be usurped by the Latino invasion of the 90's.) And Eddie Murphy was king, and edgy.

Back to MacGyver. The dude had to outwit the first Artificial Intelligence computer in a friendly bet to see who was better, man or machine? Of course the machine begins to mistake the exercise for reality and turns on her masters, leaving only MacGyver and some leggy blonde British (and very prudish) scientist to save the day. Forgetting for a moment that my user-friendly XBOX (or DeadBox if you're my girlfriend) could run circles around this A.I., this episode was fantastic.

There were many scenes when cool MacGyver would disprove the prudish scientist, by trusting his "instincts" over her science. It just so happens that he has the mind of a nuclear physicist, but still it's nice to see him so smooth. They would be running around, and they would do the riposte "falling onto each other" or, he'll pull himself up by her can (and NO ONE COMMENTS ON THIS!)...He even takes off his pants to form a make shift-rope ladder for them to climb to safety out of an acid bath! Is this a cool show or what. And, as the oxygen runs out, she's a sweaty, crying mess, and he still has one final plan in place...You have to see this episode.
If I can ever recreate a heaven on earth, I'd make sure that at least one of the channels played MacGyver.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Ray, Constantine, Hotel Rwanda

Saw Constantine with my sister this weekend. VERY GOOD MOVIE...well, for me anyways, especially since I like theology and stuff. It was also cool to chill with my little sister.

Not so cool: Covering my eyes, gasping at a few interesting parts, and holding on to my sixteen year old sisters arm in fright. It was funny to see us all huddled, like two refugees. But with better clothes.

Ahh, speaking of refugees. See Hotel Rwanda. Very touching, and a very good performance from Don "Mr. " Cheadle.

Also saw Ray on DVD (own it). This guy is incredible. INCREDIBLE! And Ray Charles wasn't too bad either. Ha!

But it definitely defines a hero of a certain era who went through a lot not just for black people, but for artists and musicians, the blind, people, husband who cheat on their wives, people recovering from drug addiction...everyone. AMAZING.

If anyone's casting, I'll play Jamie Foxx when it comes time for his bio pic.

The best part about Ray? Seeing it with my girlfriend. (that's got to be worth at least a kiss, right?)

The worst part? Not being able to get over the fact that on one song, Ray Charles dimissed his backup singers, and sang the female parts himself. Is that even possible? That kind of talent is obscene. So is my spelling (if I spelt it wrong).

Keep Smiling.

Cast is off...Koniciwa Witches.

"Konichiwa Witches"- Japanese gangsta in the world series of dice skit on the Dave Chappelle show.

Got the brace off, now I'm in a flexible cast.

The person who's like the Physician Assistant's helper (the Physician's Assistant's Assistant) is this cute Russian lady about 2 or 3 years younger than me. Now, hold on. By cute I mean that literally. She's 5'1 probably all of 85 pounds soaping wet. How I know this, and how many times we've taken a bath together is not the point. I love my girlfriend, and I don't plan on leaving her, but "cute" is apt I tells ya.

And they put me in this like brace that you see the athletes wear. That's right. I said it. I'm an athlete. Stop snickering, because snot's coming out your nose and my boss can hear you. She, the Physician's Assistant (--ha! You thought I was going to say Physician's Assistant's Assistant, didn't you?), has me, literally, marching around. I have to put my knee up to my chest, and then lower it down to the ground. I only do this every now and then to re-teach myself how to walk. Of course, this ends up looking like I work for Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks (is this walk patented? Yes, I think so. You've got to be more original.)

It's kind of funny when you to a orthopedic doctor. You got to figure out that these are the people who are a bit squeamish about blood and squishy-ness. That's why they opt for the bones, where they can manipulate your broken shoulder slot with their clumsy hands.

So, I go their last year to see them about my back problems. What do they do; push down on my back. What comes out? A fart. Boy, you've never seen a patient get dismissed from an office so fast. I think I was told to go to Phys. Therapy about that shoulder. Maybe I'll ask them to take a look at it when I get the exercises for my knee.

The good thing is that this will help me in my goal to lose weight. The bad news is that I have to stop being lazy. Sigh. I had another thought, but I'm tired.

In other news, I'm going to store to pick up MVP Baseball 2005. IT BETTER BE THERE. Or, I'll have to wait another day...

Friday, February 18, 2005


Afro's blog is great. You must take a gander at it.

I don't know why he uses Primo. I guess because it doesn't call attention to the fact that he doesn't have hair anymore. Oh well.

From the, "I can't turn my brain off" department


In between filling out Business Owner Policy applications for a client, I can't help but think about the link between Zorastian religion, Gnostic Christianity, Catholicism and Keanu Reeves (Matrix, Constantine). Is this guy the coolest or what?

Or what? Exactly. But you got to admit, theology is pretty cool, especially when it gets to mysticism and magic and all that stuff...

So, who wants to see Constantine this weekend?


This week's issue of Green Lantern is AWESOME!

BEST SERIES...EVER! Read it if you get a chance. If not, I'll gladly let you borrow mine, if you promise not to get cheese doodles on it. I, will be wearing my Green Lantern John Stewart costume; replete with pregnacy side panels to fit my "ample" physique.

What's going on today people? THE SLAM DUNK CONTEST IS ON THIS WEEKEND.


If you want to see it, stop by my place. You know the digits!

More soon...

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Kicking the habit

So you want funny?

I've added another blog, where I'll post 1-liners and the like. It's called "Impulsive Cretin" and you can catch it on the right.

Dunk Contest this weekend baby. Let's hope it's okay.

ALIAS LAST NIGHT ROCKED...But you know what they're going to do? They're going to make Sloan evil again. They should just leave him be. The, bad-guy who's trying his hardest to be good, but no-one will believe him, is much-much intriguing and mysterious than the bad-guy pretends to be a good guy and eventually becomes bad again. Although, his "heel turn" last year was kinda cool. Kind of a "you really don't understand this," type of deal. But he should be fine, I mean, what more power could he want?

and I was able to sucessfully go two days without touching the lazy-box. and I only played for 1.5 hours (okay, maybe 3, but I fell asleep).

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

it's been a long time

Should've left you..
Without some neices and nephews.

Points if you can guess the above song.

Knee's feeling better. Maybe next week I can get the cast off and start dunking Nba Live for the X-Box.

Today I embark on a project to get in touch with everybody from the past. Don't think I can do it? Great. I'll bet you $50 I can get in touch with, as well as get their email address, from 50 people I haven't spoken to in a year. I also reserve the right to pay you $50 in seashells. By the sea shore.

Celtics lost in the final minute. Blew a 12-poin 4th quarter lead. Sigh. And Harvard finished in 4th place in the Boston Beanpot hockey tournament, getting whomped by BC 4-1. I say 4th place, because it's nicer than saying, "last."

Any new games out?

Does anyone reading this sight play video games?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Help me

I keep getting these republican census things. And I got a thing from Bill Graham. Actually it's the other way around, but I'm too lazy to type it up that way.

What should I do? Suggestions? I don't like Billy Graham's gospel. I don't agree with his sermons. And yet, I get his stuff. What should I do?

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Things that make you go, "Check, please."

...And then you grab your coat and leave.


Okay, want to hear something stupid? Sure you do!

I have this habit of popping my joints, just you know, like wiggling a leg (foreshadowing), or twisting my neck, rotating my shoulders, cracking my knuckles...

So, I get up and think to myself, "ooh, my right knee is kind of stiff. Let me wiggle-OW!" And I slumped back in my chair...RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF A MEETING!

What a life.


How about this: Without a planner, my stress was that I had a lot to do, but don't know when/where to do it. Now, I'm constantly faced with a big reminder that my life is busy, or should I say that I have no life.

You know what I need? A good book or magazine article and the john. Be back in half an hour...

Monday, February 07, 2005

So, I hurt my knee...

I hurt my knee.. I fell. I slipped on the ice and landed wrong on my knee. Unimaginable pain. Eventually I cried, which kinda sucked, since it stinks to cry. I tore the MCL on my left knee. That's the ligament that keeps it from buckling inward towards your other leg, which means that's what it does now. I'll spare you the rest of the gory details. Well, maybe I should've just stopped there. Ah, I'm too lazy to move the mouse over.

I fell in Somerville as I was walking home from Davis Square from an errand. I made it about half way, slipped, tried to get up ("Are you okay, Sir?" Yeah, I'm okay, "Okay, well put ice on it." Okay, can you take me to the hospit--don't drive off!)

Kelley was nice enough to meet me first, which was kinda funny. She was like across the street from me, but expected to see me standing…nope, I was lying on the ground, and waving my hands. People thought I was crazy. "Who's Kelley?" and sometimes, "I see Kelley too." I'M NOT HALLUCINATING! Get me an ambulance!

When I fell, people thought I was some bum, because I was moaning and holding my cell phone. Someone asked me for the time, and when I told them I broke my leg, they ran off in the other direction. I think they were going to jump me. Black on black crime, tsk-tsk. Others asked if I needed change. Nope, I need a ride to the hospital and some pain killers. Thanks though!
Speaking of which. The pain killers are great. (Oxycodone. That's O-X-Y…) They make me feel REALLY happy. I'm kinda sad because I haven't taken any today, and the very limited supply they gave me is running out. Sigh…I think I'm hooked. I might have to try nicotine gum next.

And then, as the EMT's are putting me into the ambulance, some woman walks by and is like, "wow, you've been here for an hour?" "did you see me fall?" "yeah, it happened right in front of me." I wanted to be like, "SO WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL AN AMBULANCE?" but it was probably because after I fell, I thought I could walk normally and be all macho...

Also the doctor got mad at me for calling her by her first name, and not "Doctor". Then I told her I thought I would get better service by calling her by her first name. NOPE!

Then the ER head-doctor or "attending" if you watch SCRUBS came in and said, "So, this is the fine leg right" and CLAMPS his hands on my left knee. Now, I'm not sure if this was his idea of a joke, but I think when I screamed "Got-damn it" and "Fk" really loud he got the idea. My mom just rolled her eyes, but it hurt damn it.

Also, the x-ray taking guy ("uh, radiologist?" shut up Katie.) had to twist my knee to get the photo taken. What part of, I can't move my knee doesn't he understand?

The ambulance people were cool. The guy went to Tufts and the lady went to MIT. Both about my age. Why does it matter? they cut my favorite sweat pants and my least favorite corduroys. Yeah, I was double-layering. It was cold last Monday!

I also was flirting with every female I could find in the office. Then again, my idea of flirting is asking them what there name was. In which case I was also flirting with guys. But, if you can get the Haitian nurses to give you an extra bit of care, then it's worth it. They even gave me a urinal to use while I was sitting. You see, you [censored], and it didn't leave any mess at all. It was [censored]! I highly recommend [censored].

Then, from the ER, I left a message on my work phone, if you called it, you would hear like a few people in the background talking about my knee while I leave the standard "I'm out of the office now, please"…It was classic, since a few of you complained about it. Sorry!

So, I'm here at work. The knee is…uncomfortable…but I keep getting the "are you milking this" comment? Like I'm going to strip off the cast and pull a Willis Reed/Terrell Owens and make a sale…Although, I have been cold calling like crazy today. (just in case.)
Oh, and I can't do [censored] anymore. ARGH!

Oh well.

Good Times.



Another Super Bowl down, another title for the Patriots. It's stranger. Just 5 years ago we here in Boston are calling them the Patsies, and now we're hailing them as the greatest team from Boston since (wait for it) the 2004 Red Sox. Yes, I turn on sports talk radio this morning, and what do I hear? Interviews with Tom Brady, Deion Branch, Rodney Harrison ? Nope. I hear talk on the Sport Zone, about Pedro Martinez pitching for the NY Mets. What's wrong with this town? The Sox won already, so let's drop our self-loathing and focus in on the moment. For a while anyways.

What do you think about the website?

Any suggestions?

I'm trying to decide whether I should make this a refugee camp of sorts for all my random ideas. Or, should I make this focused on what particular subject, say humor, and create another sports-type one?


Saturday, February 05, 2005


It took a while.

Names like:
- "Blogging to the oldies,"
- "Lay off my Blog, baby,"
- "Your mom is hot,"
- "I'm blogging and I can't get up,"
- "Grap a magazine, sit on the toilet, and blog,"
- "The Artist formerly Known as Blog"
- "My Blog. Population: Me."
- "What is your favorite blog punctuation? Mine is the ~."
- "Queen Latifah hosts the Grammy's."

They came and went. Thankfully, and regretfully.

(Poor "Blog me, and thou shalt be saved." We knew you not!)

But it's here baby!

Hope you like the simple blog, with a simple message:



Keep Smiling,