Thursday, August 25, 2005

Is there a political utility associated with bullying?

Just a quick political essay. 5 paragraphs tops.

1)After reading various online article, specifically from Wikipedia, our country heads further and further down a dangerous slope with our Conservatism. Read many definitions of conservative and it all comes down to the same cliche: ends justify the means. A populate motif in the conservative movement dictates that the Movements' morals can override democracy. In fact, it is necessary to restrict civil society in order to deter the less desirable effects of life. Which the surface, seems like a reasonable, albeit highly-ordered way to structure a society. My problem lays not in the state ideology, but in the practice and results of the state ideology.

Let me clear, some things, like Mom's apple pie and orange juice should be preserved. But oddly enough, unlike its' name, this is not an ideology based on preservation. This is a Movement, a collection of political ideals and financial interests geared towards creating a Utopian society. Right-wing C-O-N-spiracy it's not, because Conservatives successfully use the rules of democracy in their favor. My problem is that without money, and more iniquitous, without the desire to believe and advance the Movement's ideology, it is increasing hard to express your opinion -- which is the very essence of democracy. Remember when the debate was whether or not "hate speech" causes violence, and therefore is detrimental to society? Well, now as you are aware, "hate speech" is synonymous with "reverse discrimination", which is more vigilantly fought than speech against minorities.

But lest you think this is a rant against Racism, it is not. My mere concern is that We as a body politic are too quick to defend bullying; to defend the most successful when they bend and break the rules in their favor. We have written a new rule, "Let Others Due On You, and You Wish You Could Do Onto Them." Which is nothing more than nihilism, even if it is hidden under the guise of a "Christian and Moral Majority."

Moral nihilism begets pharisee, witch hunts, red scare, and nationalism. When everyone becomes subject to a strict set of moral values, everyone becomes a suspect to break them. Then we become a nation of suspicion, lies and enemies. In a nation where everyone's an enemy, the end game is Fascism which steps in the vacuum to protect a certain group and destroy all others.

5)This, my friends, is what I am afraid of.


Blogger Elliott said...

(Note: I really don't have any idea what I'm talking about)

It's interesting because we're seeing the beginnings of a Christian fascist movemement. People carelessly throw around the words 'fascism' and 'Nazism' whenever they decry some form of government or policy they see as too right wing. But this current administration has already hit upon a few themes that comprise the dictionary definition: ultra-nationalism, corporatism (which was already in place, but has really taken a stranglehold), xenophobia, massive assimilation into the right wing idealogy, broad limitation of civil rights.

I don't know much about Mussolini's fascism, but Nazism was rampant with paganism, one major distinguishing factor from this country's neo-conservative movement. What's being created here? A theocratic fascism? A fascist theocracy?

Having lived in and around Boston, the bastion of liberalism in this country, all of my life, I feel insulated from the 'other half' of American society. Just as they think we're having gay weddings every Sunday, performing abortions in every school, and gleefully encouraging the Catholic priests to have their kicks, we tend to demonize or embellish their idealogy. While things are trending poorly, there are too many sane and rational people on both sides to allow such a malignant idealogy to really take control. Remember, the Jedi will defend the Republic.

11:21 AM, August 26, 2005  

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