Friday, August 05, 2005

My new favorite passtime

Is to go on people's Friendster and leave random testimonials. This is especially effective if I haven't seen this person in a while.


It was a long, hot summer day. Ama and I were sitting in the lush green fields of Digya National Park overlooking Lake Volta (in Ghana, Africa). I gently leaned over to Ama and whispered something romantic in her ear. You know, my standard, "Did you know, I had garlic for breakfast."

NO SOONER than a cat could meow, Ama had me on my back, ropes and all. "Oh, so you like it rough, eh?" Then she left me, tied to a tree in the middle of Digya. She left me there for 6 days until a friendly lion cub, who's name isn't easy ti translate into Human, rescued me. I spent 8 years from 1954 to January '62 in the care of the wild, rasied by my new family of lions, tigers and bears. Oh my.

I now own the world's largest collections of pelts."


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