Wednesday, August 03, 2005

just for you

Just posting something so that my girlfriend, who's bored at work, can have something to read. You got a few more days left at the job honey. Wahoo! We're going to shock the world.

Picked up a worker's compensation policy. Remind me to tell you the story. Also, got a health care policy, and if I finish the paperwork, I get 2 sox tickets. I also won a $100 gift certificate as well as 2 additional sox tickets for winning an internal contest to help "Better serve our customers." my suggestions was to create our own e-cards that we can send customers. Especially since you have to pay for ones outside the company.

So, all in all a good day/week. I think I can hold on to my job a while longer.

I'm wearing these brown shoes that go with my pants. they're okay, the only problem is that the heels, for some odd reason, are raised at an angle. This puts this weird pressure on my knee everytime I walk. so i'm either going to have to a) take them off (no chance), b) wear my brace (okay, fine!) or c) pimp out the medical cane. Now that's what's up!



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