Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Is this thing on?

Woke up with a headache today. Slept in new (gf's) bed. Kinda warm this morning. Lots of work to do.

Typing this message from work. Hope it makes it to you in time. Hopefully the email-thing will work. If not, tell America that I know who really shot JFK, it was ::BLAM::THUD::

By the way, I want to learn guitar. Thoughts?

My gf says that although I don't sound "white", I do have a different accent from most people here. A bit of a mid-Western twang. It happens when I'm tired or when I speak to my family. Which is true. Even though I'm born in Boston, for some reason I can never shake those formative summers I spent in Ohio. Ever breathe clean air? if you haven't spend a week away from the east coast, and not just in New Hampshire. I also really fell in love with baseball there, although I suck at fantasy baseball.

Why can't I be on a cool show like PTI?


Blogger Elliott said...

I hope those formative years in Ohio didn't adversely affect your vocab. Y'know...saying 'pop' instead of 'soda'. Ugh.

3:23 PM, July 27, 2005  

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