Saturday, August 06, 2005

I love Saturdays

It's that day where random sports are on all day, like right now there's the Tokyo scrimmages of Indiana Colts versus Atlanta Hawks. I'm not really watching it, but it's on. Good times.

Spent a little bit of time with the family. Wasn't annoyed, in fact I throughly enjoyed their company.

Maybe I was too hard on my new roommate. I was just so angry. Other people have said I was actually not harsh enough, including writing about him here. But he paid me the utlities in cash, and I can't be too angry with someone who pays me money, right? Plus, I'm passive-aggressive, too nice, and all the jazz.

Funny, as the gf's in Maine, I'm all alone. Am I partying? No (Sorry E-double L-i-o-double T Jarrett), but I am just chilling. I love my x-box. I think I will get a part-time job at a video game store.

Peace and love. Let me know what's on and popping this week witchall.


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