Tuesday, August 09, 2005


...not really.

G.F's back. Yay! Now onto two pieces of good news...

1)My roommate suddenly has another opportunity, and is moving out. So, if any of you out there, especially those living in the "02421" and want to live right near Davis Square with someone who won't bother you at all, please respond. We're looking for September/October (maybe even November) as a starting date. Seriously, I NEVER talk to my roommates, I'm mostly in my bunker playing video games. You may join me on occassion.

2)So, got my mid-term review at my job. I just don't care anymore. Sales is so tough, and no matter how successful you are, you still get your assed handed to you. And me being not successful, means I'm constantly reminded of being a failure everytime I show up at the office. I mean, in this business, you "succeed", by having people curse you out 80% of the time, and out of that 20% who feign interest, you'll only achieve a semi-positive result with a robust 15%. Great...My solution? Just don't show up.

Just kidding. I get in late, and leave late so now one can see my tears.

Okay, obviously I do care. I care, but cold-calling's so hard. It's always demoralizing when you know you're having a bad year, but then to actually see that on paper...shishe! then to realize the problem is that you're scared to speak to people, which is a big part of being a sales person (nee political junkie). I mean *shrugs*...

Something's wrong with me, I can't put my finger on it, but when I find out, I'm going to squash it.

I wish I was rich...in personality. Or at least just rich.

Heck, right now I would take being funny or being able to sing well so that I can make money singing at train stops in New York. That's how Tracy Morgan got started.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


We're adding a little something to this month's sales contest. As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac Eldorado. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired.

2:25 PM, August 10, 2005  

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