Saturday, January 28, 2006

Message Boards

Something I always wanted to do was figure out how to create a message board among friends (and what not). I kinda lucked into something via the webmaster/producer/actor in the comedy group.

speaking of which. i'm not sure if this is working. like, i'm just not funny. i'm having a difficult time finding inspiration for characters or scripts. i mean, i'm finding plenty of things to draw from, it's just actually creating something from what i know is difficult. trying to communicate ideas in this medium of "acting", or "theatre" or "comedy," is a lot harder than i ever thought. it begs the question, is it worth it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

everything's worth the experience, assuming you get something out of it. it is hard, because you want to be yourself; unique, and you want your experiences to come across as such, when translating to, you know, your "work." you are funny - that's the thing, really. there's no two ways about that. the only thing really is: getting or developing the intuition for how to realize that others identify with what you have to say. and it's difficult: but if you want it, it's quite frankly be silly not to put some rehearsal/practice towards it.

11:06 PM, January 28, 2006  
Blogger Coolhand said...

well, i do practice and rehearse. it's just that i feel like i'm spinning my wheels. maybe i need to break out of what i'm doing and try something else? maybe take up improv (again) or pursue stand-up more earnestly?

12:33 AM, January 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

might as well try it - hell, try everything you feel like! you can figure out what you like, what you're best at, and how to take both of those and translate them into something you want to be better at. you're damn funny, and you can do whatever you want.

10:14 PM, January 30, 2006  

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