Friday, June 23, 2006

17 Days...

Hi Friends.

It's been 17 days since I last blogged. I've been busy with quite a few projects. For example, right now I'm debating whether to change this blog into something that reflects those projects, and create a separate new blog that has some of the same personal stories on it that this one does? Or, should I create a proper website that allows people to choose which window of my life they'd like to peer through?

I want to reconsider my blog because I know some people I do or want to business with are googling me and coming to here. I'm curious if I could stand out more in my career if I create a superbly written business blog and keep a private blog for the rest of you? Or, should I just assume that this won't be a big deal?

But I've been meeting new people. Working on business and "bidness", and plan to reveal all very shortly. It's been an interesting trip. I feel like I'm slowly waking up and stepping out of my self-created shell. I feel, or better (and more abstractly) yet, I perceive a new world ahead of me. And I would like to share it. I've also had quite a few funny experiences -- okay, funny to me-- that I know some of you might want to hear.

Wait! Now I'm rambling. So, which would you like? One blog or two?

By the way, "17 Days" is a great song my Prince. Ch-ch-check it out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

who are these "new people" you speak of?

1:39 AM, June 25, 2006  
Blogger Coolhand said...

email me.

11:45 AM, June 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In recent months, I've heard several stories (via the news and from friends) of people who have been fired or not hired because of their blogs and websites. There have also been students who have gotten into major trouble because of their blogs (e.g., getting kicked out of school, having to do a semester over, etc). I can't imagine you being fired because of this blog, as long as you don't talk about work.

BUT, nowadays prospective employees and/or business partners are definitely scouring the web for more information. Tons of people have been burned by their own MySpace or Friendster pages.

Basically what I'm trying to say is: the safest bet is to discontinue the blog. But if you want to keep it, make sure it only contains that which you wouldn't mind your prospective employers/business partners knowing about you while making the decision about whether or not to hire you.

11:50 AM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger jomilkman said...

it pays to tread carefully. be sensible -- don't let blogging dig into your ability to be productive on the job, and if you ever plan on addressing the job in a post, do so in the most general terms possible, even if you're off the clock at the time of writing.

3:37 PM, June 28, 2006  

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