Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Comings and Goings

Props go out to Elliott Kim who made the big move to L.A. this weekend (I think, because I missed him on the phone).

Did I show you guys this article?

I hate video games. Reason 1...and Reason 2.

I also don't if there's a subject that can't be turned into a "Mother's Against.."

Just finalizing some details on the new apartment that my gf...excuse me, my fiance (not this one)and I are going to rent in sunny, sunny Worcester over the next year. But at $750, all amenities including laundry and dishwasher...not too bad! I'll have to buzz you in, and let you in the "Gates." Yes, it's got big steel iron gates to keep out the "kids" from the street. Whatev!

And we just found out that we can't have our wedding in our old dorm. All those thoughts of having people eat off plastic trays and bus their own meals while sitting in uncomfortable chairs from the 40's are out the window. Sigh!

What's new in your neck of the woods?

Edit: I also can't stand it when people edit your prepositions, for example, when you use in instead of at. Whatev'.


Blogger jomilkman said...

do you ever wear bandanas in person? all your avatars have had one.

don't get me wrong, i think you'd rock them just fine, i just can't recall seeing you in one.

4:08 PM, May 16, 2006  
Blogger Coolhand said...

i think it's supposed to be "hair", but unfortunately, it doesn't come out too good...

5:17 PM, May 16, 2006  
Blogger jesse said...

Congrats on your write-up, man. And...YOUR ENGAGEMENT!!! I'm always the last to know.

Actually, I've been away from the blogosphere for a time. But I am back. Oh yes I am.

8:37 PM, May 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if we all showed up in the courtyard, with a minister and all (or just dragged Diana out of bed to marry "Katie and Kyle"), and you got married real fast, then we all scurried away before the police fell upon us? They couldn't stop us, could they?

It'd be like one of those spontaneous gatherings that were popular amongst the kids back in the day (2000). What were those called?

That would be awesome. We could then all scatter and then reconvene afterward at Ma Soba for the reception. Or the Charles. Whatev'.

I have such good ideas.

still working on final papers

1:43 AM, May 19, 2006  

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