Friday, June 23, 2006

17 Days...

Hi Friends.

It's been 17 days since I last blogged. I've been busy with quite a few projects. For example, right now I'm debating whether to change this blog into something that reflects those projects, and create a separate new blog that has some of the same personal stories on it that this one does? Or, should I create a proper website that allows people to choose which window of my life they'd like to peer through?

I want to reconsider my blog because I know some people I do or want to business with are googling me and coming to here. I'm curious if I could stand out more in my career if I create a superbly written business blog and keep a private blog for the rest of you? Or, should I just assume that this won't be a big deal?

But I've been meeting new people. Working on business and "bidness", and plan to reveal all very shortly. It's been an interesting trip. I feel like I'm slowly waking up and stepping out of my self-created shell. I feel, or better (and more abstractly) yet, I perceive a new world ahead of me. And I would like to share it. I've also had quite a few funny experiences -- okay, funny to me-- that I know some of you might want to hear.

Wait! Now I'm rambling. So, which would you like? One blog or two?

By the way, "17 Days" is a great song my Prince. Ch-ch-check it out!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Moving this Sunday. Anyone want to help?

Also, show tonight. 8:30. 835 Beacon St, Boston, Ma.

Monday, June 05, 2006


You know I probably shouldn't make snap decisions on which programs to watch based on one viewing on YouTube...but I'm awfully tempted to put Hulk Hogan's "Hogan Knows Best" on the DVR schedule.