Sunday, April 02, 2006

I don't care...Video Games

Let's get to the real reason why I haven't felt energized enough to write a blog entry: I went ahead and sold off all my video games. See, I had 39 games that are "mine". Two others I borrowed, and 4 more are games that the lady-bug likes that I don't like so much...I'm shipping the games I borrowed, and I'm keeping the games she likes, which aren't quite as engaging as the games I like to play. You know, it's basically karaoke or dancing games that get tired pretty quick. So, I'm out video games.

I did it because even though I rarely touch all but 2 of those 39 games, just the mere fact that I had all those games were pissing people (re: her) off. Just the thought that I would have so many games, must mean that I'm a big video game player.

I should have just sold the games when I finished them, but I did have a bit of an attachment to them. I just figured that I might play them again, and some of the sports games lose value tremendously so I wasn't going to get much for them since once the new year hits and a new sequel reaches stores, older sports games go out of demand. So, I should have sold them while their value was high, even if I wasn't done playing them.

But like the idiot pack-rat I am ("always in case of an emergency..."), I kept them only to wait until their value was...


Roughly $1.75 per game.

Yep that's right folks. A game that cost $50, sometimes $30 or $40 new or slightly used, I sold for $1.75. For 39 games that probably cost me almost $1000 total, I sold for roughly $90 in-store credit or $70 in cash. But to prove a point that I wasn't beholden to the modern Mammon, the video game.

I made two trips. Monday, I sold 37 for about $67 cash and kept 2 that I played. But, I was honestly just fed up of feeling judged because I like to indulge in a video game than reading whatever crap passes as literature, or watching whatever crud passes as television. I figured, "I can't go half way." So, I sold the other 2 games for around $14 (one was still pretty new).

I am still debating whether or not to get a new game this week and leave it at that, but friends I must relate the strangest thing that happened to me as I walked out of the video game store. Remember that commercial where the Native American man sheds a single-tear as he sees the garbage? It's a VERY patronizing commercial, but I bring it up because as I left the store, a single-tear dribbled down my cheek. I wiped it on my finger and brought it to my eye to inspect it. "You got to be kidding me," I whispered to myself as I walked down.

I guess the tear was for a childhood I was reluctant to leave behind. STILL reluctant, because TV really sucks, and there's nothing fun about studying or readying.

Oh well. That's what I get for dating someone who ancestors were puritans and believe that "idle hands are the devils work and that toil leads to freedom. But then again, to say more would be to break the carnal rule of blogging which is to say no ill of work or a spouse (or a work-related spouse)...Especially if they read this blog. So I love you honey. I just wish your name was Princess Peach.

Screw it, I'm going to go and stare at my X-Box. Luckily for me, we have to keep it since it's our only DVD player.


Blogger jomilkman said...

wasn't the point of selling the games to earn enough money to supplement your purchase of a 360?

11:48 AM, April 03, 2006  

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